Programming/JavaScript 22

String primitive, String object, valueOf(), template literal ...

정리 할 링크 String The String object is used to represent and manipulate a sequence of characters. Object.prototype.valueOf() valueOf() 메서드는 특정 객체의 원시 값을 반환합니다. https://develope..

[EloquentJS] Ch19. Project: A Pixel Art Editor

Project: A Pixel Art Editor The material from the previous chapters gives you all the elements you need to build a basic web application. In this chapter, we will do just that. Components We will structure the editor interface as a number of components, objects that are responsible for a piece of the DOM and that may contain other components inside them. 에디터 인터페이스는 여러 개의 컴포넌트로 이루어 지는데, 이 컴포넌트는 하..

[EloquentJS] Ch15. Handling Events

Handling Events Some programs work with direct user input, such as mouse and keyboard actions. That kind of input isn’t available as a well-organized data structure—it comes in piece by piece, in real time, and the program is expected to respond to it as it happens. 마우스나 키보드의 액션같은 유저 입력은 실시간으로 조각조각 들어오고 바로 처리되길 기대한다. Event handlers Imagine an interface where the only way to find out whether a ke..